The most in-demand programming languages for 2023

Coding Dojo has released its list of the most in-demand programming languages for this year.

The list uses the number of open full-time jobs to determine the skills that employers are desperately looking for.

Notably, the top three most in-demand languages have been shaken up. Likely driven by the demand for machine learning solutions, Python is now in the top spot.

Here are the top 10 programming languages by open full-time positions and their ranking change...

The fastest-growing tech jobs in 2023 and how to land them

Whether you have established a career in tech or you are considering changing professions and starting a new tech career, there has never been a better time to look for your dream job. Thanks to a perfect storm of contributing factors, tech has never been hotter and even the most digital-resistant organizations are realizing that in order to move forward, they must invest in tech.  

While this is an advantage for seekers of tech jobs, the tech talent gap can have its limitations...

Stack Overflow: 74% of developers are open to new jobs

Research from Stack Overflow suggests that almost three-quarters (74%) of developers are open to new jobs.

The so-called “Great Resignation” is an ongoing post-covid economic trend where employees have voluntarily resigned over wage stagnation, poor treatment, inflexible remote working policies, lack of benefits, and general job dissatisfaction.

Developers haven’t been spared from mistreatment by employers, and it seems that many are keeping their minds open to new...

Forrester: Jobs market will continue to favour developers

Analysts from Forrester expect the jobs market will continue to favour developers in 2023 amid mass layoffs.

The global macroeconomic environment continues to be challenging. Major tech companies have begun laying off staff, or pausing hiring, which has left many IT professionals wondering how safe their jobs are.

Despite the headwinds, Forrester believes coders are in a better position than most.

Forrester recently held its APAC Predictions 2023 event in...

Enterprise Ethereum Alliance and BEN announce Web 3.0 virtual job fair

The Enterprise Ethereum Alliance (EEA) and Blockchain Education Network (BEN) have announced a virtual job fair to attract Web 3.0 talent.

Web 3.0 aims to move away from centralisation to put content ownership, privacy, and control back in the hands of creators and people. As the largest decentralised platform, Ethereum is leading the charge.

There are over 100 members of the EEA, including giants like SAP, Microsoft, Accenture, FedEx, JP Morgan, and...

State of APIs 2021: ‘Great Resignation’ leading challenge, security remains a top focus

RapidAPI’s latest State of APIs developer survey finds the cross-industry “Great Resignation” is the leading challenge facing the industry, while security remains a top focus.

Employees are leaving their current jobs in record numbers as part of the so-called Great Resignation due to burnout, income stagnation, poor treatment, and low satisfaction. Almost half of the world’s workers are considering quitting, according to a Microsoft survey.

RapidAPI’s survey...

Linux Foundation: Companies are struggling to find open-source talent

The Linux Foundation and edX have released the 2021 Open Source Jobs report which reveals the struggle companies are having in finding talent.

As the world recovers from the pandemic, the general talent shortages across industries have been well-documented. However, the new report shows just how pronounced the problem is when it comes to hiring open-source expertise.

Technology helped to keep the world moving during the pandemic and even the most resistant-to-change...

2021 Stack Overflow Survey: React.js takes the web framework crown, Python is in-demand, and devs still love Rust

The 2021 edition of Stack Overflow’s developer survey features both substantial changes in the landscape while other elements have remained stubbornly resilient.

In a blog post, Stack Overflow’s Ben Popper and David Gibson wrote:

“This year’s survey was a little different than ones in years past. We opened our 2020 survey in February, and by the time we got around to publishing the results, the reality of work and daily life had shifted dramatically for people...

65% of companies are concerned about the wellbeing of developers

Research conducted by Forrester Consulting has found that a majority of companies are concerned about the wellbeing of developers.

The research, commissioned by The Qt Company, also highlighted that 75 percent of connected device manufacturers are finding the demand for skills is outstripping supply.

“All too often native development for individual chipsets leads to isolated pockets of skills that are hard to transfer to new platforms,” said Marko Kaasila, SVP of...

IWD 2021: Putting the spotlight on tech’s gender imbalance

On International Women’s Day, Developer puts a spotlight on the gender imbalance in software development and the wider technology industry.

Kicking off with salaries, Puppet’s latest annual DevOps Salary Report highlights the continued pay gap between genders.

25 percent of female respondents reported earning between $100,000 and $125,000. In comparison, 18 percent of male respondents reported salaries in this salary bracket.

However, moving up to top...