Industry giants form AOUSD to standardise 3D ecosystem

Industry leaders Pixar, Adobe, Apple, Autodesk, and NVIDIA – in partnership with the Joint Development Foundation (JDF) – have announced the formation of the Alliance for OpenUSD (AOUSD).

The main objective of AOUSD is to promote the standardisation, development, evolution, and growth of Pixar’s Universal Scene Description (USD) technology, thereby advancing the capabilities of Open Universal Scene Description (OpenUSD).

OpenUSD, originally created by Pixar...

GitHub partners with Adobe and AmEx to expand its MLH Fellowship

GitHub has partnered with Adobe and American Express (AmEx) to deliver a significant expansion of its MLH Fellowship.

The world’s largest repo host first announced MLH Fellowship in May last year. As the world adapted to remote work, the fellowship aimed to give students the opportunities they need to succeed.

93 percent of fellows said that participation in the initiative gave them more confidence in making open-source contributions. On the other side of the equation,...