Source code for the hopefully defunct Windows XP leaks online

Please say you’re not still using Windows XP.

Unlike the code released yesterday by Frictional Games for its Amnesia series, the leak of Microsoft’s source code wasn’t intentional. We can’t endorse looking at stolen code or link to it… but, well, we can tell you it’s out there.

Looking at what makes an OS tick can be a fascinating exercise (and it should leave you less breathless than the exercises that Joe Wicks fella put out throughout...

Hey, Swift developers! You can now build Windows apps

Swift developers can now build apps for Windows using their language of choice.

In a blog post, Swift Core team member Saleem Abdulrasool announced the release of Swift toolchain images for Windows.

The toolchains contain various components required for building and running Swift code on Microsoft’s operating system.

Apparently, it’s taken over a year’s worth of work to port Swift to Windows.

“Porting Swift to Windows is not about simply...

Windows 10 will soon support Linux GUI apps along with GPU acceleration

Microsoft has announced that full Linux GUI apps will soon be supported in Windows 10 along with GPU acceleration.

During this year’s BUILD, the first to be entirely virtual due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Microsoft pledged to improve its Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) with full GUI app support and GPU hardware acceleration.

Microsoft had already announced that it would be adding a full Linux kernel to Windows 10 with version two of WSL later this month, but the GUI...

Microsoft announces dual-screen Surface devices early to recruit Windows 10X devs

Microsoft has announced hardware due for release next year in a bid to recruit developers for Windows 10X, an OS designed for dual-screen devices. Both of the new devices, Surface Duo and Surface Neo, have dual-screens and represent what Microsoft believes is the next popular form factor. The former is a futuristic smartphone, while the latter is designed to be a laptop replacement. The devices have certainly generated some hype. "Surface Neo is the first MS device I'll buy," Guillermo...

Windows 10 on ARM will have these limitations

Microsoft announced Windows 10 for ARM-based devices back in December, but little information was provided about its limitations. Spotted by Paul Thurrott, Microsoft accidentally published a full list of its limitations last week. The list has since been removed, but not before it was cached. Windows 10 on ARM has the following limitations: Only ARM64 drivers are supported. As with all architectures, kernel-mode drivers, User-Mode Driver Framework (UMDF) drivers, and print drivers must be...