2022 Java Developer Productivity Report: Teams aren’t realising the promise of microservices

The latest edition of Perforce’s annual Java Developer Productivity Report highlights that teams aren’t realising the full promise of microservices and CI/CD.

Developers are often finding that microservices and CI/CD are decreasing their productivity rather than improving. 

Among CI/CD users, 42 percent of respondents report build completion times of over five minutes. The most common (33%) response was build times exceeding 10 minutes.

The highest...

Software supply chain attacks increased over 300% in 2021

We all knew there was an increase in software supply chain attacks in 2021, but a new study has quantified just how bad things got.

Argon Security – recently acquired by Aqua Security – published the latest edition of its annual Software Supply Chain Security Review this week.

The headline stat from Argon’s report that software supply chain attacks grew by more than 300 percent in 2021 compared to 2020.

Eran Orzel, Senior Director of Argon Customer...

App Annie: Users downloaded 230B apps in 2021, spent 3.8T hours using them

A report from App Annie highlights the staggering growth the mobile app ecosystem witnessed last year.

According to the analytics firm’s State of Mobile 2022 report, users downloaded around 230 billion apps in 2021.

Theodore Krantz, Chief Executive Officer of App Annie, said:

“The big screen is slowly dying as mobile continues to break records in virtually every category - time spent, downloads and revenue.”

Chinese users downloaded the most...

Ethereum still has the most Web 3.0 developers, but rivals are growing faster

Decentralised app platform Ethereum still has the most Web 3.0 developers, but it’s all to play for with rivals growing faster.

The data comes from research firm Electric Capital which released a report this week into the Web 3.0 development ecosystem.

Electric Capital found that more than 4,000 developers actively work on Ethereum per month. 

For comparison, just 680 developers actively work on Bitcoin per month. It’s a huge disparity, but it’s...

Déjà vu: Python wins TIOBE Programming Language of the Year

According to TIOBE, Python was the programming language that stole developers’ hearts in 2021.

It’s the second time in a row that Python has been crowned the TIOBE Programming Language of the Year.

Last month, TIOBE Software CEO Paul Jansen floated the possibility that C# may take the crown for the first time after posting the highest rating growth (+2.21%) in the top 20 of the TIOBE Index in December.

"It is interesting to note that C# has never won the...

More developers earn $1M via the App Store than Google Play, but the gap is closing

A report from Sensor Tower finds that more developers still earn their first $1 million from the App Store than Google Play, but the gap is closing.

It’s been fairly common knowledge for some time now that, on average, developers earn more from the App Store over Google’s counterpart—despite the much larger global marketshare of the latter.

Android commands around 73 percent of the global smartphone market compared to 26 percent for iOS. However, Apple continues to...

State of APIs 2021: ‘Great Resignation’ leading challenge, security remains a top focus

RapidAPI’s latest State of APIs developer survey finds the cross-industry “Great Resignation” is the leading challenge facing the industry, while security remains a top focus.

Employees are leaving their current jobs in record numbers as part of the so-called Great Resignation due to burnout, income stagnation, poor treatment, and low satisfaction. Almost half of the world’s workers are considering quitting, according to a Microsoft survey.

RapidAPI’s survey...

WearOS rocketed from ~4% of the smartwatch market to 17% in Q3 2021

WearOS got the booster shot it needed from the launch of Samsung’s Galaxy Watch 4.

Google’s smartwatch operating system has struggled for years to gain traction against not only the might of Apple’s WatchOS but also rival platforms from the likes of Huawei, Fitbit, Amazfit, Garmin, and even Samsung.

Samsung was an early supporter of WearOS but eventually gave up on the platform and switched to its own Tizen-based alternative. Earlier this year, a surprise joint...

GitHub Octoverse 2021: Developer diversity is increasing, code is shipping faster than ever

The 2021 edition of GitHub’s annual Octoverse report highlights a welcome increase in the diversity of the developer community alongside many other interesting trends.

According to the report, almost 60 percent of active GitHub users are now distributed outside North America. The world’s largest repo service is seeing the fastest user growth in Indonesia, Brazil, India, Russia, Japan, Germany, Canada, the UK, and China.

Developers are both writing and shipping code...

Stack Overflow enhances Microsoft Teams integration as hybrid working here to stay

Stack Overflow has announced enhanced integration with Microsoft Teams the same week a ‘Future of Work’ report highlights that hybrid working is here to stay.

Over the past six months alone, Stack Overflow says that it’s seen a 137 percent increase in Microsoft Teams usage among its Enterprise customers. With clear benefits and the future still uncertain, many businesses are increasing their support for hybrid working rather than roll back the progress they’ve made over...